Design Portfolio

[Logo & Graphics] - Yawara Dojo - Promo + Merchandise
Graphic Design, Illustration, Branding
2168 29 2
[Logo & Graphics] - Yawara Dojo - Promo + Merchandise
Graphic Design, Illustration, Branding
2168 29 2
Promo + merchandise for Yawara Force Dojo
Kicking off the back-to-school registration rush for martial arts classes!
Promotional flyer targeting older children's guardians and high schoolers. Features a classic Judo throw - graphics capitalize upon the dojo's main areas of instruction, which include Judo, MMA, and throwing / grappling techniques.
The client enjoyed the promotional characters and requested T-shirt designs! 
So I quickly put made a few renditions of the graphic to go on gray and black fabric, and made photo demos. 
Business card for the dojo - the front features all the information the client desired (the back is blank for handwriting.) 

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